Home » Basic photography course: which one to choose?

Basic photography course: types, costs and which one to choose

Do you love to travel and would like to learn how to take good photos to keep as a souvenir? Or would you like to take portraits or, again, do you have your own brand and would like to improve the quality of photo shots of your products/services so you can use them for Social? Un
basic photography course
will meet these (and other) needs.

However, it is necessary to
choose a basic photography course
that can meet your expectations.

Photography course for beginners: how to choose it

The first question you need to ask yourself is:
why do you want to study photography?
Are you doing this for passion or because you want to become a professional photographer? In the second case, it is necessary to invest in equipment and attend complete in-person courses (there are graduate courses in photography and multi-year courses organized by the best Fine Arts Academies in Italy).

If you want to check that actually the photography profession is right for you, if you want to learn how to use a camera as a hobby or to do simple photographic work, a basic course is the right place to start.

What are the best online photography courses

It depends on what your goal is: if you want a general smattering of photographic notions you will need a different program than if you want to focus on a particular area (landscape, commercial, fashion, portrait photography, etc.).

photography course for beginners
is ideal if you are just getting into photography, as it teaches you how to use your camera in
manual mode
and allows you to learn the rules of computer image composition and editing. Therefore, read carefully the

of the course
and check that the topics it will cover are actually in line with what you would like to learn.

Check who is teaching the course by looking up the name of the
on Google: you can find the opinions of those who have already participated in one of her courses, but also see her shots and videos, so you can get an idea of her style. The basic photography course perfect is also a “hands-on” course, even if you take it online: it must teach you the meaning and use of camera buttons, show you work on video, and teach you how to use image editing programs clearly.

Finally, consider the
of the course and its
: If you have a set budget, the economic issue is important. And it is also critical to understand how much time you have to devote to classes.

Why study the

basic photography

is important

Why take a basic photography course, instead of trying to learn on their own? Because a photography course for beginners allows you to learn how to create exceptional photos made by you: learning about
light, exposure, color, tone, composition and timing
will help you produce more creative, more interesting and attention-grabbing photographs (including on Social). In addition, it teaches Use the equipment in the correct way: Knowing how to use your camera in manual mode takes time and effort, but gives you more control over the end result, allowing you to produce unique and creative images. If a camera is always set to automatic mode, it will instead produce photos that are all somewhat “the same.”

If you also don’t plan to use it for work, know that photography can be
: allows you to express your creativity, and even if you just devote a quarter of an hour a day to it, it helps you relax and have fun while taking your mind off work or study. Because, as with other activities such as reading a book, going to the movies, or watching a movie, taking pictures (and learning how to do them) involves you personally. It offers you a stimulus, a challenge, and can also help you get to know yourself better.


basic photography courses

on Phyd

provides its members with

basic photography courses

free of charge
. By attending them, you will learn the basics of photography, to take pictures consciously, use manual camera settings, handle aperture and ISO in the best possible way, compose your shot correctly, and select your photographs and rework them. Register for free on Phyd and discover all available photography courses.


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