Home » Digital drawing course: what it consists of and why to do it

Course in digital drawing: features and career outlets

Until the early 1990s, drawing was mainly on paper.

Then, in 1984, Apple launched the MacBook and the MacPaint program, destined to change the fortunes of the industry by introducing digital drawing. But what is digital drawing for, and what exactly is it?

What is digital drawing

The term “digital drawing” refers generically to any visual communication tool created with digital software.

While traditional drawing uses paper and pencil, digital drawing involves the use of a pc and mouse or-much more often-a graphics tablet.

Its purpose is different from that of Graphic Design, with which it is sometimes confused. Graphic Design is in fact visual content intended to be published on paper: the design is made digitally, but the result is a printed product. Instead, the digital drawing is designed to be shared online.

Specifically, digital designers may be called upon to create:

  • infographics;
  • elements of a website;
  • banner ads;
  • social media posts;
  • landing pages;
  • online graphics;
  • User Experience facilities;

Digital drawing techniques

Digital drawing includes many different techniques such as:

  • digital illustration: an illustration technique that involves the use of digital tools (mouse, pen, graphics tablet) and drawing software;
  • DWG files: created with CAD (a 2D and 3D computer-aided design software), they are typically used in the fields of architecture, engineering, and industrial design;
  • conceptual drawing: quick sketch, drawn by architects, artists and engineers to visualize an initial design idea;
  • technical drawing: through diagrams and professional programs, designers use it to describe the construction methods of an object or building;
  • digital painting: a subset of digital art, it is an emerging art form that involves digitally recreating the effects of traditional painting (from watercolors to oil paints).

Why take a digital drawing course

Taking a digital drawing course allows you to find employment in numerous fields.

Web design

Web design is a constantly expanding field-just think that, on the World Wide Web, there are about 2 billion sites. Therefore, to stand out, brands need effective portals that can turn users into customers. This is why Web page design is important: containing a call to action, they must be able to attract the user and make him or her stay.

Social Media

Posting on social media is more than just choosing what to write or posting a photograph: digital design, applied to Social Media Marketing, allows you to design post layouts so that they can stand out and build a recognizable Brand Identity.

App design

Increasingly popular, Apps serve a very specific function: they can be used for playing games, learning English, shopping, and keeping track of one’s income and expenses. To be noticed within a store, they must have an attractiveicon-digital design helps to create it.


Infographics make it possible to convey information to users in a simple and immediate way using visual elements. Digital infographics typically use motion and animation, and are shareable: if they are considered useful, they are therefore likely to reach a wide audience.

E-mail design

Many people use e-mail as a mere form of communication. In fact, e-mails can also be used for advertising purposes. Through digital design, newsletters can capture the user’s attention by inviting them to read the entire content and/or take the requested action.

Digital ads

Digital ads are a creation of Digital Designers. Designed to be displayed in the company’s “purchased” digital space, they must be visually appealing so that a potential customer not only notices them but also decides to click on them.


In business, eBooks are defined as pamphlets, flyers, brochures and catalogs. Thanks to digital design, they can be designed in every aspect, from the cover to the inside pages.

With such wide applicability, the benefits of digital drawing are numerous:

  • Strengthens Brand Identity and Brand Awareness;
  • its effectiveness can be monitored through online analysis tools;
  • increases the likelihood of successful marketing campaigns;
  • Improves the user experience;
  • affects the customer’s purchase decision;
  • changes are faster;
  • Reduces the environmental impact of a brand.


What digital drawing courses to take online? Phyd provides its members with numerous digital drawing courses, taught by the best providers in the field. Depending on one’s level of preparation, and the field of work in which one works or intends to work, one can choose the offer that best suits one’s needs.






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