Home » Digital Marketing course for Google: which one to choose?

Google Digital Marketing Course: which one to choose and who it is useful for

In the era of digital transformation, marketing has undoubtedly shifted to online channels: knowing how the Digital Marketing Is therefore fundamental. Understanding the mechanisms behind Digital Marketing allows you to take advantage of the full business potential of this area so that you can reach, for example, a wider sales pool (and therefore customers) for your business or the company you work for.

Among the many digital courses available is the course on
Digital Marketing for Google
, which helps you obtain the globally recognized Google certification. But why make a course on Google and Digital Marketing? And what are the proposals offered by providers?

Why take a Google Digital Marketing course

Google Ads certifications
are professional accreditations offered by Google that guarantee the acquisition of skills, basic or advanced, on the use of Google Ads. In this regard, there are six certifications obtainable to date:

  • Google Ads on the search network
  • Google Ads on the Display Network
  • Google Ads on video advertising
  • Google Ads on Shopping ads
  • Google Ads on app campaigns
  • Google Ads on measurement

To pass each test you must answer 80 percent of the questions correctly in 75 minutes (if you fail, you can try again 24 hours later).

Taking a course in Google Digital Marketing therefore allows you to prepare for the certification test by learning how to use Google’s main tools for Digital Marketing, from Google My Business to Google Ads.

Taking this course, you will be able to leverage the knowledge you have gained in the workplace while passing the certification will demonstrate in a concrete way your new
digital skills
and your proactive attitude, i.e., that you are
willing to learn
: two fundamental characteristics in today’s world of work.

The importance of digital marketing

As anticipated above, if you work in the Digital industry, you cannot be unfamiliar with the principles behind Digital Marketing. I digital marketing courses help you to:

  • develop a
    digital marketing strategy
  • improve the
    positioning of your Web site
    on search engines;
  • use
    analytical tools
    to evaluate the online performance of your business.

Digital Marketing allows you to reach people right where they spend most of their time, which is on the Web. Your customers (or potential customers) are online-this is where they browse in search of products or services of interest to them. However, a
online presence of your business
is not enough: you need that presence to be
reasoned and effective

One of Digital Marketing’s own specifications is precisely to enable you to
reach the right audience

By learning how to plan your Google Ads and Social campaigns the right way, you can effectively reach your business’ target audience, and thus see your company’s profits grow. The metrics available in real time, will also help you to possibly correct your aim with the implementation of targeted campaigns.

Which course to choose: the

digital marketing courses

by Phyd

Not just Google: there are many offerings from
providers other
than Google, from LinkedIn Learning to DigitalUpdate, which you can find on the
Phyd’s platform

Which courses to choose? It depends on.
what aspects of digital marketing you want to learn more about

, for example, offers courses in Social Media Strategy and Facebook Marketing, teaches how to write an editorial plan, grow your YouTube channel and use influencers.

LinkedIn Learning
offers free courses in Digital Marketing, each aimed at delving into different aspects of Digital Marketing. These are specific courses, ranging from Influencer Marketing to persuasive copywriting, from understanding Marketing Funnels to creating Landing Pages.

The alternative opportunities to the Google Digital Marketing Course Are therefore numerous. Rather than alternative options, we talk about
complementary courses
: To become a Digital Marketer, it is essential to know every aspect not only of Google Ads, but also of all the other tools of the
Marketing 2.0


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