Home » English course for beginners: how to choose it?

How to choose a good English course for beginners?

Knowing English
is essential today, especially in the world of work. Along with Mandarin Chinese and Spanish, it is the most widely spoken language in the world, with nearly 400 million native speakers and more than 1.5 billion people speaking it as a second or third language.

is the language of science and diplomacy, it is used by those who travel (for business or pleasure), those who work in hotels, restaurants and stores in cities more touristy. And then those in companies with international business who have a commercial or managerial role. Not only that, English is also the language of the Web and Social.

how to learn English
? And how to choose a good English course?

How do you learn English on your own?

Ideally, for excellent language learning, it is best to start learning English as early as kindergarten. But how to do it instead if you are an adult now, and don’t have the time (or budget) for a real school with in-person classes?

The most motivated and consistent, if they want to achieve a basic knowledge of English or want to refresh the notions they have already acquired, can adopt a few small tricks to
learn English on their own

  • listen to songs in English
    (preferably pop, as rap and rock are more difficult to understand) with the lyrics in front of you, so that you can try to associate understanding the words with their pronunciation as well;

  • watching movies and TV series
    , interviews and video content in English: by choosing subtitled versions you can read, as well as listen to, the dialogue;

  • test themselves
    with free online tests to gain greater awareness of one’s level of preparation;
  • chat online with friends who live abroad, or who know English very well. In this regard, there are also
    language exchange sites
    that connect people who want to learn a language;

  • reading articles
    , magazines and e-books in English: contextualizing a term within a sentence allows you to understand it better.

However, the most effective method remains the
English lessons for beginners

How to choose a good English course

How to choose a good English course.
, given the vast number of online or in-person offerings?

The first aspect to consider is the
: to see if he is for you, try searching his name on the Web so you can find his references and the opinions of those who have already attended his classes. If your idea is to take an in-person course, avoid those that are too crowded: ideally, choose an individual course or, at most, one with 10 to 15 participants.

Very important is also to consult the

of the course
: The proposed activities must be in line with what you are looking for and your level. There are courses that aim to teach through play, others take a much more schematic approach: to learn English, as much as anything else, being comfortable is crucial.

Therefore, you need to choose a course that is suitable for your starting level and will enable you to achieve your goal.

Finally, the
: not necessarily a very expensive course is better than a cheaper or free one. It is then important to know how the English school is organized and to read reviews from those who have attended it.

Then remember that choosing a good English course is not enough: it is also necessary to
practice at home
and practice.

English courses for beginners

about Phyd

By signing up on the
you can take the

English course for beginners

offered by

Structured in English with Italian subtitles, according to the total immersion method, it teaches how to give a speech in English, how to pronounce and spell vocabulary correctly. You will not only imperate grammar rules and patterns, therefore, but also teach you how to converse in English and communicate verbally with your interlocutors.

complete English course from scratch
, also promoted by Udemy, on the other hand, is perfect for those who have never studied English or want to brush up their knowledge in depth. Through an effective method, you will be able to understand this language and its grammatical structures with ease.

Finally, several courses are offered by the platform and focused on
specific aspects of the English language
: from pronouns and adjectives to verbs, thanks to the help of
professional teachers
you will manage to acquire those notions that will enable you to write and speak in English without difficulty.


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