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Escape from work?

71 / 5.000 Risultati della traduzione Risultato di traduzione The big resignations are still in full swing, CNBC wrote. In fact, the numbers of dropouts continue to grow. In February, according to data from the US Department, over 4 million people left their jobs: this is around 100 thousand more workers than those who resigned in January, and just under the record of 4.5 million achieved last November. Job opportunities, such as resignations, also remained at record levels, helping to fuel people’s confidence in job mobility. In February, companies opened 11.3 million positions, a number essentially unchanged compared to January, and meanwhile the unemployment rate fell to a two-year low of 3.6% (Reuters).

Opposing visions

According to Anthony Klotz, professor at Texas University, and the one who first spoke of “great resignation”, the phenomenon is destined to occur again in the coming years. But for some, talking about big resignations is misleading (Harvard Business Review). According to economist Paul Krugman, who wrote about it in the New York Times, the big resignation narrative is “simply inconsistent.” First because among workers furthest from retirement – those aged between 25 and 54 – the employment rate has increased instead of decreasing. Secondly, because people abandon their jobs to accept a better offer and not to stop working. Third, but not least, because during the pandemic the number of immigrants decreased and at the same time many workers were classified as formally self-employed, despite behaving like employees.

Italian photography

As was to be expected, in Italy the phenomenon of large resignations does not bear comparison with what is happening in the United States. However, it must be recognized that there has also been a small boom in our country, writes the Courier. The tendency to look for solutions more suited to one’s needs has also been confirmed in Italy, not exactly a country known for job mobility.

In 2021, according to data from the Ministry of Labor, there were 2 million voluntary abandonments. A 33% increase compared to the previous year. And in 2022 the numbers could confirm the growing trend. According to estimates by McKinsey and Microsoft, for example, more than 40% of workers globally intend to change jobs in the coming months.


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