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Online and free Excel courses: how to find the best one?

When you are seeking new employment, or looking for work for the first time, you need to include all the skills you possess in your resume. Among the most prominent technical skills, Excel plays a major role.

Taking a basic Excel course, and even more in-depth study of its functions, is an expendable skill in many professions. And it is a skill that can come in handy at any level.

To whom Excel courses come in handy

Excel courses can improve the cv of numerous professionals.

Administrative assistants

Administrative assistants are required to perform various tasks such as creating spreadsheets, scheduling appointments, organizing documents, managing workers’ vacations, and more. Each of these tasks requires a basic knowledge of Excel.


In this day and age, it is difficult to become an accountant without at least a college degree and knowledge of Excel. This role requires keeping up with many different financial statements, tax returns and cash flows. So there are many numbers to juggle, and without using Excel, organization becomes even more complicated. In addition, thanks to Excel you can use the formula function to perform all calculations directly on the sheet.

Retail manager (retail sales manager)

Even a role that most people consider simple, such as the Retail Manager profession, makes it necessary to take a basic Excel course. In fact, it requires the ability to keep up with personnel information (payroll, vacation days, sick days), to plan shifts, to control entry and exit times, and to monitor sales trends so as to manage inventory.

Cost Estimator

Cost Estimating is a predictive process designed to quantify the resources and costs required to accomplish a given purpose. The professional who deals with this, still little known in Italy, is the Cost Estimator.

The Cost Estimator works with contractors and project managers, estimating for them the money, time and people needed to complete a specific project. To make the estimates, and to show them to the client, he generally uses Excel. A program, this one, that also allows you to keep track of already completed projects so as to avoid any mistakes made in the past.

Financial analyst

To work as a financial analyst, you must take an advanced Excel course (in addition to having the degree and requirements).

Examining business and investment trends on a daily basis, the Financial Analyst is expected to prepare reports and help companies make all their financial decisions.

Project Manager

Project managers work with Cost Estimators, but that does not mean they themselves should not know how Excel works. Rather, knowledge of the program helps them organize suppliers, manage all financial information, and write reports.

Business Analyst

Business Analysts are called upon to monitor a large amount of business data: the slightest error can create major problems for the company.

Thanks to Excel, it is possible to keep all data in one place, keeping it organized. This way they can be easily studied and consulted without the fear of losing them.

What are the best Excel courses

To identify which is the best online Excel course, you need to start with your level of knowledge and your profession (or the role for which you want to apply).

Phyd provides its members with numerous Excel courses, designed by Udemy.

The basic Excel course teaches how to enter data into cells, create lists and mathematical formulas, use standard functions, and format charts. It is therefore the perfect solution for learning to formalize with data, numbers, information and tables. The
advanced Excel course
on the other hand, teaches how to use more complex mathematical and logical information, manipulate all spreadsheet objects, understand complex sorting criteria, and make tables and charts for detailed reports.


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