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What free training courses are worth taking?

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, isolation and smart-working, online course attendance has increased dramatically. Many Italians took advantage of the time at home to acquire new skills with a view to returning to work or re-entering the workforce. Others realized that they wanted to change professions, so they took training courses in the field they wished to learn more about.

Even now that the emergency has subsided, the success of online training continues. However, figuring out which training courses are worth taking is not so simple, as the offerings are varied, provider-wise and proposal-wise, and users can find themselves disoriented.

So if you have decided to invest time in building your career by learning new skills, but don’t know where to start, a free course is ideal.

Free training courses, how to choose them

In addition to providing an engaging learning experience, and allowing you to learn at your own pace, free online courses offer a number of other benefits, such as:

  • in-person course schedules are often restrictive, forcing you to be at a particular place at a particular time. Free online courses, on the other hand, can be taken when you have the time and inclination, choosing the offering that best suits you;
  • provide excellent opportunities for informative interactions among students through social networks and discussion forums-this makes it easier to achieve educational and professional growth goals;
  • there are no prerequisites for online courses: anyone, regardless of age or educational background, can register for classes;
  • most online courses take a blended learning approach, combining traditional activities and digital media to provide students with a personalized learning environment;
  • skills are developed without stress, as you do not have to travel to the course site and do not feel the pressure of an in-person course.

How to choose free vocational training courses

The training course should be chosen wisely, to avoid wasting time and to acquire skills that will really come in handy.

How to select it?

  • Establish your criteria: ask yourself why you want to enroll in a free online course, whether for fun or to develop certain skills thereby increasing your chances of being hired. Also, estimate how many hours you can devote to learning each week and make a list of topics that interest you;
  • when you have a clear picture of your goals, do an online search and take a look at relevant free courses, reading their syllabus and inquiring about the lecturers;
  • evaluate the quality of the content by watching demonstration videos and making sure you choose a provider that has a state-of-the-art Web portal and leverages top-notch technologies for sharing content;
  • check course length, module accessibility, mandatory requirements, timing and attendance to ensure that the online course fully meets your needs and has the flexibility you seek.

If you are wondering which course to take to work right away, you can consider current market trends. Courses that improve chances of employment include:

  • Python, to create advanced level games and Apps;
  • SEO, to position a site on Google, increasing traffic and boosting sales;
  • Machine Learning, a skill among the most sought-after and highest-paid;
  • Web Developing, to learn how to create websites with HTML, CSS, JS, Node or PHP;
  • Digital Marketing, to gain skills in social media marketing, e-mail marketing, data analysis, content writing and every aspect of online business;
  • Web Writing, to learn how to write optimized text.

In fact, the current trend sees the acquisition of IT skills at the top of preferences, followed by the acquisition of skills for effective marketing 2.0.

Phyd provides its users with numerous free online training courses that can meet every learning need and skill level.



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