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How to face a job interview: all the tips

The idea of going for a job interview is a source of anxiety and worry for many applicants. Most of them focus on the questions to be answered, and the experiences to be listed, neglecting a fundamental aspect: the job interview is not only a test of one’s knowledge, but also of one’s honesty and one’s way of relating. Knowing what to say during a job interview, and being able to prepare as well as possible, is therefore the key to success.

How to prepare for a job interview

To face a job interview, it is necessary, as a first step, to arrive prepared.

Arrives prepared

Research the company, its mission and vision, products and services offered, competitive advantages, and work culture-make sure you know as much as possible so you can impress your recruiters by showing them how much you care about working there.

To show that you have studied, you can utter phrases during the interview such as, “I have read all about the company mission, and I believe that striving to improve the quality of people’s lives is an extraordinary goal.”

Curate the CV

Second, make sure your resume is complete and be prepared to answer common questions about your past work and study experiences.

Be prepared to answer (and ask the right questions)

Although every interview is different, there are some questions that always come back. Almost with certainty you will be asked what your main strengths are: prepare a list of your strengths and the areas you are working on for professional growth. In all likelihood, the recruiter will also ask you why you want to work there-be as specific as possible and explain how you might be useful to the company.

At the end of the interview, the candidate is usually asked if he/she has any questions. What to ask the recruiter? Much depends on the role and the company for which you are applying, but, in general, applicants who ask questions such as, “How will my work day unfold?”, “How will I be involved in the company, other than just performing my role?” are well liked.

How to best approach a job interview

To face an in-person job interview, it is important not to build up stress on the day of the interview. Dress appropriately: avoid bright colors and flashy jewelry, take care of your appearance, and wear an outfit that is professional but makes you feel comfortable. Make sure to arrive at least ten minutes early-your mind will be relaxed, and you will be able to face the interview at your best.

During the conversation with your recruiter:

  • Smile, be natural and speak with confidence;
  • stand up straight in your chair and look the interviewer in the eye;
  • listen: during the interview, the recruiter will provide you with information, either directly or indirectly. If you don’t listen to him, you miss a great opportunity;
  • Give articulate answers but don’t talk too much;
  • Don’t be too colloquial: the interview is a professional meeting. Your level of familiarity should mimic the interviewer’s behavior;
  • at the end of the interview, show gratitude to the recruiter for taking the time to meet with you, and for allowing you to talk about your skills and qualifications. As you leave the room, shake hands with your interviewer again and be sure to look him or her in the eye, smiling and thanking him or her. You can also ask about next steps, and when the outcome of the interview is expected.

How to approach a job interview on Skype

If the interview is held on Skype, prepare technically. Install the software on which the interview will be held at least 24 hours in advance so you can make sure everything is working, and make sure you know if you will be called or if you have to be the one to do it. Take care of the look, as if the interview were being held in person, avoiding colors and patterns that can be disturbing on video.

Try to maintain eye contact with the recruiter, looking into the camera naturally, and smile sincerely. Finally, avoid using your smartphone: computers and laptops generally have better audio.

Would you like to learn more about how to approach a job interview? Then read our article
“Job interview: the most frequently asked trick questions.”



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