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Practical tips for changing jobs at any age

Especially in the wake of the pandemic, more and more people are choosing to follow their ambitions and passions, abandoning careers that have brought them to the threshold of burnout.

When to change jobs? There is no specific time, and you do not necessarily have to have recently entered the professional world. You can change jobs at any age-just follow the right advice.

Why changing jobs is good for you

Not only layoffs, resignations and business failures: there are many reasons why, today, a person chooses to change jobs. There is a desire to pursue a passion, to find a greater work-life balance. Or, simply, the desire to feel fulfilled and proud of what one does.

Because while changing jobs can be beneficial from a professional point of view, it is equally so from a personal point of view. On the one hand, you grow, improve your career, increase your skills and-most of the time-get better economic conditions. On the other, one challenges oneself in a different context, perhaps moving away from oppressive or no longer stimulating work environments.

Changing jobs, depending on the situation, thus helps to reduce stress, obtain more flexibility or a more congruent salary, but also allows for career advancement opportunities.

Changing jobs at any age: practical tips

If you are thinking of changing jobs, no matter what your age, you can proceed as follows:

  • outline a plan of action: define a clear goal (such as a job change or a decision to veer into a different career field) and rely on the best means to achieve it, including filling out your CV correctly and using your network to find the best opportunity;
  • analyze the pros and cons of the job change-you can do this with a journal, a chart, or simply in your head, trying to get your thoughts in order. Changing jobs should not be a rash choice, especially if you are no longer in your twenties: carefully analyze what you have and what you would gain or lose by moving to another company instead. Evaluate what you would like to achieve personally and professionally, but also what you currently do not like and is driving you to change;
  • consider whether to change industries entirely or to choose a corporate entity that gives you the opportunity to enrich your portfolio. New professional figures may have recently emerged in the marketplace that you are unfamiliar with but that are well suited to what you love and know how to do;
  • don’t forget to update your CV: if necessary develop new skills that could make you more attractive in the field for which you are applying by enrolling in the best online courses. Take the opportunities that arise to practice in your chosen field or industry-they will be useful in showing who you are and what you can do. If you are thinking of embarking on a new career that requires a degree or particular certifications, enroll in the necessary university or training courses;
  • expand your network: knowing people in your field of interest can help you find interesting opportunities, and make a name for yourself in the eyes of possible employers;
  • do rebranding: just as products are made even more beautiful and appealing through rebranding operations, you must do the same with your professional figure. CVs, cover letters, social and networking profiles play a crucial role in showcasing your image and reputation: curate and update them regularly.

There are then specific steps to follow, depending on your age:

  • if you want to change jobs in your 30s, do all the necessary preliminary assessments, build a network of contacts, update your CV and try to collect vacation and leave days to start looking for work without leaving your current job;
  • if you want to change jobs in your 40s, assess what skills you have that are most expendable, do a careful evaluation of the changes in benefits and salary, update your resume, and focus on your cover letter;
  • if you want to change jobs in your 50s, take refresher courses and take advantage of the network of acquaintances you have built up over the years.

Phyd provides its members with the best experts. Our mentors and coaches will help you review your resume, get your skills in order, and identify the perfect career path for a job change.


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