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Hunting for candidates

Businesses are increasingly struggling to find appropriately skilled workers. If there was a wake-up call, it would have already been repeatedly sounded, in fact, he wrote The 24 Hour Sun. Taking a snapshot of the Italian reality were the latest data from Unioncamere-Anpal on mismatch, which employers are dealing with. In the first 4 months of 2022, the mismatch between what companies are looking for and what workers are offering has increased to over 40%. As of April, the profiles that are “untraceable” are 40.4 percent. This is a 13 percent leap from the pre-pandemic phase.

The reasons

Behind the difficulties in hiring policies today are several reasons. While the shortage of candidates has practically doubled in the past three years (from 12.3 percent in April 2019 to the current 24.5 percent), there is also a skills problem, which employers cannot find in the candidates who come forward. The professions where the misalignment is most evident are those related to technical scientific profiles.

  • Why it is important to develop skills, training and
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The unobtainable

Figures such as appraisers, Its graduates, or graduates in Stem disciplines are almost exclusively lacking in the manufacturing sectors, which have suffered post-pandemic demand recovery and now also face costs due to the war between Russia and Ukraine. Among the most distressed sectors are metallurgical, mechanical and electronic industries, but also the ICT, wood-furniture and construction sectors. For example, the top 30 untraceable occupations include engineers and electrical engineers, designers and mechanics, software designers, but also skilled workers.

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