Home » Java developer: what he does and how to become one

Java developer: who he is and how to become one

A Java developer is a programmer who specializes in the Java language, which is a programming language invented by Canadian computer scientist James Gosling.

Java is used today for the development of software, Web sites, applications, and video games, so the Java programmer can find employment in numerous settings, from Web agencies to Software Houses, from service companies to banks, consulting firms, and video gaming companies.

But what does a Java developer do, and what is the most appropriate course of study for entering that profession?

The job of the Java developer

The Java developer is responsible for the design, development, and management of Java-based sites and apps. Because Java is widely used, particularly by large companies, the tasks performed daily by the programmer can vary widely.

Java (not to be confused with JavaScript) is one of the most popular programming languages in the world, and it is also one of the oldest, based on the syntax of the C and C++ languages and part of Oracle today.

Applications and sites created with Java are characterized by their speed and scalability, degree of security and stability. These are all characteristics that make Java programming the first choice for many.

When looking for talent, companies write job ads for:

  • Entry-level (or junior) Java developers;
  • Mid-level Java developers;
  • Senior Java developers.

Depending on the level of preparation and experience, the Java programmer will have different duties and responsibilities and will be coordinating a team consisting of Project Manager, Software Engineer, and Web Designer.

What does a Java developer do

The roles and responsibilities of a Java developer depend on the company and the position. They may include:

  • Design, implementation, and maintenance of high-volume, low-latency Java applications;
  • Writing well-designed, efficient, and testable code;
  • Conducting software analysis, testing and debugging;
  • Java and Jakarta EE application development management;
  • Design and creation of software component releases.

The Java programmer’s work typically begins with the development of the program architecture: working closely with stakeholders and the project manager, he or she defines what the project’s goals are and what features it must have. In the development phase, he writes the code and tests it: each time a feature is completed, he will go test and debug so as to ensure that it performs as expected. The code is then transferred to a live environment so that it can be distributed to the end user.

The work, however, does not end once the site, application, or software is completed. The Java developer must keep the systems active and up to date. This may include:

  • Perform software update;
  • Ensure that all hardware specifications are met;
  • Add or remove users;
  • add or remove features;
  • Train the end user and write instruction manuals;
  • Maintain an active testing environment;
  • optimize the code;
  • Identify possible programs that could improve current systems.

How to become a java developer

In Italy, there is no degree program to become a Java developer. Many programmers are Computer Science Experts, or have a scientific background (not necessarily a college education) behind them.

Courses for Java developers are particularly useful. Phyd provides its members with the best courses offered by Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, and Microsoft to learn the basics of Java programming and to make the best use of the language.

To become a Java developer, specific skills must be acquired:

  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS;
  • Software programming and design;
  • Knowledge of frameworks such as Spring, JPA, Hibernate;
  • Use of the most common Web Services;
  • Knowledge of relational databases (Oracle, MySQL).

Also counting are the
Soft Skills
, including the skills of:

  • problem solving;
  • team-working;
  • stress management;
  • self-control;
  • communication;
  • speed of execution.

The average salary of a Java developer in Italy is 30,000 euros a year: junior programmers earn around 23,400 euros, senior programmers go as high as 37,500 euros.

If you want to learn more about the roles and duties of the most in-demand jobs in IT (and beyond) check out our PHYDpedia encyclopedia!





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