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The newly appointed Minister of Labor, Marina Calderone, has been a consultant in the field for more than 20 years, as well as the president of the Order of Consultants since 2005. A profound connoisseur of the Italian labor market, Calderone, however, is not exactly a political figure. Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni herself had called her a “field” technician. He has a long career behind him, consisting of industrial and labor relations management, as well as personnel administration in medium and large companies in various industries(Morning Future).

Strategy files

Its first, complex test was the Budget Law of 2023. The 35 billion economic maneuver defines and indicates the direction the country will take in the economic sector, especially as it relates to the world of work. If a real pension reform has been shelved because of the tight timetable, the minister has reformulated the pension formula with the so-called “quota 103“: in order to retire earlier, one will have to have at least 41 years of contributions and 62 years of retirement age. A change that narrows the pool of people who could retire to 48,000 workers.

  • Pensions, Calderone’s plan(SkyTG24).


Knots to untie

Among the urgencies Calderone mentioned was then cutting the tax wedge for low-income earners. Now the measure provides a 3 percent contribution exemption for incomes up to 25,000 euros. It is hoped that this decontribution relief package will encourage permanent hiring of young people under 36. But among the most hotly debated issues still remains citizenship income, the focus of many political debates. In fact, on several occasions the minister has argued that the subsidy should not be abolished but reshaped. The goal, he explained, is to make it a social protection tool by “separating it from active labor policies.” And so, Economy Minister Giancarlo Giorgetti let it be known, the measure introduced by the M5S will be reduced from 8 to 7 months of the current monthly payments(Agi). The knots still to be untangled on the Maneuver are numerous, as are the dossiers on the table of the Calderone-led Dicastery, now facing a very “hot” season, both for companies and Italian workers(Linkiesta).


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