Home » Phydpedia arrives, for the professions of the future

Phydpedia, the encyclopedia for the professions of the future, arrives

We have named it Phydpedia, because we have the ambition that it will become a digital encyclopedia open to all with which to chronicle the many new professions that will crowd the future of work.

In fact, one of the questions our community asks us most often is, “What are the jobs of the future?” That is why we have decided to launch a monthly event in which we will recount and explore those professions that already today-but especially tomorrow-are destined to emerge and generate real opportunities.

Every day we collect and process data from a growing number of sources, both Italian and international. With Phydpedia, we will try to make them available to all those who look with curiosity at the future of work, believing that knowledge sharing is essential!

It will be an exciting journey!


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