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Software Analyst: what he does and how to become a Software Analyst

The Software Anal yst (or programmer analyst) is the professional who analyzes business IT problems and programs solutions to solve them.

Acting as a liaison between software developers and users, it examines the needs of users to suggest improvements in software design and execution.

But what does one need to do to become a programmer analyst, and what should one expect from that profession?

What the Software Analyst does

The software analyst is called upon to ensure that software meets its intended objectives. Where, software refers to operating systems, databases, Web browsers, and applications used by end users or businesses.

In addition, it may have to identify solutions to improve the performance or usability of existing software systems. This involves conducting research on new technologies or techniques that could make such systems more efficient and effective.

The duties of a Software Analyst may include:

  • Analysis of business requirements to determine the feasibility of the system and recommend possible improvements;
  • Testing of new software versions to ensure that they meet customer needs;
  • Training users so that they can use the software in the most correct way;
  • Evaluation of existing systems to recommend improvements or replacements;
  • Identifying possible technological solutions to business problems and recommending them to management;
  • Development of new software applications or adaptation of programs to new user needs;
  • Maintaining database integrity by creating backup copies and performing regular maintenance activities, such as updating security permissions or removing obsolete data.

What you need to do to become a programmer analyst

A Software Analyst is a graduate in Computer Science, Mathematics or Computer Engineering who has studied-among other subjects-Analysis, Algebra, Physics, Operating Systems, Algorithms and Data Structures. However, junior analysts may have only a Computer Science degree.

To work as a programmer analyst, it is necessary to possess precise skills:

  • knowledge of programming languages: software analysts need to know several programming languages, as each has its pros and cons (some languages are better suited for Web site development, others for creating mobile apps). Essential knowledge required to enter the Software Analyst profession includes SQL, Oracle, Java, C++, and UM..;
  • data analysis, understood as the ability to interpret large amounts of data by identifying the most important information;
  • problem-solving skills, to identify and solve problems that arise during the development process;
  • communication: software analysts communicate with many people throughout the software development process, including project managers, software engineers, quality control teams, and customers. Effective communication is critical to ensure that everyone understands the goals of the project;
  • critical thinking, and thus the ability to solve problems and make decisions based on logic.


How much does a programmer analyst make in Italy? Entry-level positions typically have a salary of €30,000 a year, while senior professionals can aspire to €45,000.

Software analyst, the future of the profession

The growing demand for software products and services has long led to the need for more technical talent: as companies embark on a path of digitization, they increasingly rely on software to run their operations. This means they will need professionals who can develop and maintain such software.

Software Analysts are in high demand, therefore, precisely because they have the skills needed to understand and analyze complex software systems, and can therefore help companies improve and make their services more efficient.

Data analytics will play an increasing role later because of its importance in business decisions. By analyzing data, companies can gain a better understanding of what their customers want by understanding how best to serve them. The Software Analyst who has skills in data analysis is therefore seen as a professional with an edge.

Do you want to become a software analyst? Then click here and learn about the “Data Analysis” course, otherwise if you would like to learn more about the emerging professions that will be in demand now and in the future, check out our PHYDpedia encyclopedia!







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