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Store manager: who he is and how to become one

The store manager(or store manager) is the professional who is in charge of the all-around organization of a store, making sure that everything runs smoothly. His duties include staff motivation, customer service, and development of business strategies for increasing sales.

What does the store manager do

The store manager’s goal is theoperation of the store . He is therefore called upon to:

  • Develop strategies to increase customer numbers and optimize profitability;
  • Achieve sales goals by training, motivating and guiding staff;
  • Ensure high levels of customer satisfaction through excellent service;
  • Ensure that the store complies with applicable Laws;
  • make sure the store is neat and clean, and that visual merchandising is detailed;
  • Compile reports on profits, but also on customer behavior and purchasing preferences;
  • Devise strategies to increase market share;
  • Evaluate staff performance so as to determine the right training and build career paths;
  • Deal with inventory and reassortment of goods;
  • Handle problems, raised by both staff and customers.

A store manager, therefore, must take care of the store in every aspect. First and foremost, it must ensure that it is fully operational and has the right number of staff (a goal, this, which is achieved by posting ads, conducting interviews, hiring, and training).

In addition, it must ensure that every salesperson is customer-oriented: for customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty, it is indeed necessary to ensure an excellent customer experience. Beginning with the welcome to the store and ending with the handling of returns and complaints, everything must entice the person to return.

Finally, among the responsibilities of the store manager is theorganization of the store. Products should be displayed in the best way possible, the space should be neat and clean, and sold-out goods promptly replaced.

For this reason, the store manager must keep informed about the level of stock in the store, check that the return of defective products is done as per procedure, and that sanitation and safety regulations are followed.

Sometimes, opening and closing the store and checking daily receipts are also part of his duties.

And if the store is part of a chain or franchise, it is the store manager’s responsibility to make sure that everything meets the company’s regulations and guidelines.

How to become a store manager

There is no set path to becoming a store manager. However, it is necessary to have knowledge of marketing, sales techniques, personnel management and economics.

Typically, those who choose to enter this profession have extensive experience in Retail, and have taken a Store Management course. Instead, personal skills prove to be crucial.

Characteristics of a store manager include:

  • the willingness to work intensively (a Store Manager often works weekends and holidays, and store hours can be quite extensive);
  • leadership skills;
  • organizational and decision-making skills;
  • stress management;
  • knowledge of English and possibly another foreign language;
  • result orientation;
  • The ability to relate to the public.

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