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The best European-certified online courses

Among the most useful training courses for acquiring new skills, the most popular are certificate courses.

MIUR (Ministry of Education) set in 2016 the procedures for the accreditation, qualification and recognition of courses offered by entities that provide training for school personnel, certifying the quality of training offered. Then there are the European-recognized online training courses: by choosing one of them, the certification obtained is also recognized in the other countries of the European Union. In this way, you can make it count when looking for work in Italy and abroad.

Why take certified online professional courses

Certified online professional courses, within one’s curriculum, are generally more valuable than non-certified courses. Since they cannot be attended by everyone, but only by those who possess certain characteristics, they “reassure” the company of the candidate’s true skills.

However, it is good to know that certification is different from attestation. Thecertificate of attendance has no legal value: it only testifies that the person participated in the course, and that the course resulted in the acquisition of specific skills. However, this is not a concrete acquisition: by not testing the student, the skills are only acquired theoretically. Instead, the certificate, issued by an accredited body with legislative power, confirms the actual acquisition of skills.

Certified online professional courses have special characteristics, and are distinguished not only by their educational offerings but also by the recruiters’ focus on the candidate, his or her skills and professional development. The goal is to provide quality training, and to create theoretical and practical skills that can be spent in Italy or-in the case of courses recognized at the European level-in the entire European Union.

Generally, access to courses is limited to those with a certain educational qualification, a specific level of language proficiency, a certain age group, or a certain economic or employment status.

What are the certified online courses

MIUR-certified online courses can be identified by viewing thelist of MIUR-accredited institutions, updated every two years and available online. The list, however, contains only course providers and not aggregating entities that bundle proposals from different providers in their offerings.

Courses certified by MIUR cover a variety of topics, from Digital Skills to English language, and can only be taken by school personnel.

European-recognized online training courses allow you to acquire skills in numerous areas (from Digital Marketing to foreign languages, from photography to Data Analysis) and can be easily located on the web. Phyd provides its members with certified courses from Udemy and certified courses from Life Learning, Italy’s most comprehensive learning platform. Its certificates, recognized in 160 countries, have a unique license control number and are among the most sought-after by companies.


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