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5 mistakes not to make when writing a resume

The resume is among the most powerful tools in the hands of a worker who is seeking new employment: it is the document that recruiters and/or employers receive that allows them to get a sense of the candidate’s skills.

Here then, writing it correctly is crucial. In fact, an unsuitable resume could result in a wasted job opportunity.

What not to write in the resume

When looking for a job, it is essential to read the Job Description carefully to verify that you actually possess the skills required. Not only that, if you boast those skills, you need to make sure they are correctly stated in your resume.

Too often, in fact, the right information does not appear in the CV, and unnecessary or superfluous information is included instead. What not to write in the resume, then? Here is a brief guide.

1. Irrelevant personal information

The personal information that should be included in the CV varies depending on the country in which you are applying. In Italy, it is sufficient to give your full name, date of birth, residential address, e-mail address and telephone number.

Links to one’s social profiles, if personal, should be avoided. Instead, it may be useful to include one’s LinkedIn profile and other social channels if one is applying for particular jobs (e.g., a position in social media management, at a graphic design office or photography studio).

Next you will need to include technical skills and soft skills, as well as hobbies and interests, always keeping in mind the role you are aiming for.

Mention your interest in exhibitions if you are applying for an artistic role, involvement in social activities if you are applying to an NGO, participation in sports activities if you want to work in a gymnasium. Everything must be relevant so as to make a good impression on the recruiter. Leave out irrelevant personal information that has no relevance to the field for which you are applying.

2. Spelling and punctuation errors.

Always double-check the spelling of your CV. Be sure to write in the correct verbal tense and, if you have decided to use the third person, stick to it throughout the document.

Avoid Englishisms and use spell-check. If you struggle to spot errors, ask a professional or friend to check your resume.

3. Negative comments about a former employer

Among resume errors, one of the most common involves negative judgments toward former employers. When you fill out your CV, do not mention why you left an occupation or the reasons why you feel dissatisfied with your current job. You can include a statement about the type of role you are looking for, but always in the positive.

Similarly, when describing your work experiences, you need to focus on objective facts, achievements, and recognition. You can also highlight some challenges you faced, explaining how you overcame them, but always avoid speaking negatively about other companies.

4. Too many details about your hobbies and interests

The recruiter reading resumes expects to find some personal information on a resume. With the increasing focus on work-life balance, some details about your interests and hobbies are expected and even encouraged.

However, they need to be relevant to the job you are seeking. Also, hobbies and interests should take up only a couple of lines on your CV: the more professional experience you have, the less relevant your hobbies will be.

5. A single block of text

It is not enough to just select what to write in the resume, avoiding lengthy: it is also necessary that what is written be legible, well-formatted and understandable.

A well-structured resume is easier to read and draws the recruiter’s attention to the most relevant skills-that’s why the “glimpse” should not be overlooked.

To highlight your skills, use bulleted lists: they make the document easier to read and lend themselves to direct links between the job description and your experience.

If you need help filling out your resume, or are undecided about the best way to highlight your skills, Phyd puts a team of experts at your disposal: select from the coaches the professional who is best for you!


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